Tribe of the Likatier - a community with visions of a new, alive culture. Tribe of the Likatier Welcome in Likatien,
the first modern tribe in Germany on the way to a new, lively culture!
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in summary
Further circles
However, the care and search for relatives does not stop at the borders of the tribe. If one would search long enough, one would find that basically "all are related to all". This can give rise to a vision of compassion for the fate of individuals, a compassion for the fate of tribes and peoples, or even an idea of world peace. Because isn't he the one I shoot my "brother" at? And the woman whose house is destroyed by bombs, my "sister"? We also see our relatives in the animals and plants. Mountains, waters, stones, places and squares also have a liveliness and essence that creates kinship with us. Just as with the people, the Likatians also want to cultivate relationships, relatives and connections here.





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