Tribe of the Likatier - a community with visions of a new, alive culture. Tribe of the Likatier Welcome in Likatien,
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in summary


Pedagogical concepts appear to the likatic tribal members as top-heavy attempts to artificially regulate the treatment of children. Learning, playing and dealing with each other is alienated in the view of the liqueurs. Since the tribe of the Likatier tries to be "on the trail of life", a return to an original way of dealing with feelings, things, impulses among children and in social interaction is striven for.

The children are even less alienated and more authentically connected with their emotions and feelings. This "originality" is a special treasure that must be preserved. Therefore, the basic attitude is different from most educational concepts - adults and children learn from each other by observing, perceiving and responding to each other. This requires a framework where the children can develop at all. The tribe tries to create this life-friendly and life-promoting framework through tribal life, where the children are embedded not only in small families and large families but also in the children and youth community and the entire community (tribe). Here the children find suggestions, development impulses, role models and signposts for their own behaviour.


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