Tribe of the Likatier - a community with visions of a new, alive culture. Tribe of the Likatier Welcome in Likatien,
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in summary
Parents and Community
Of course the parents, especially the mothers, are in the center of the relationship happening of the likatischen children. The tribal mothers try to avoid the otherwise very common breaks between themselves and the child. Be it that the mothers do not take any anaesthetics at birth, because children experience this as a traumatic separation shock, be it that only in extreme emergencies a caesarean section is made, with which later problems of the child are always connected, be it that the children stay in bed with the mother after the birth or be it that the mothers breastfeed their children until the children abstain from breastfeeding themselves, which usually lasts about 5-7 years.
Beyond the role of parents, there is a basic attitude in the Likatier tribe that one feels responsible for all other tribal members, especially for the children. Through the children's pronounced contacts with many different adults, a great variety of relationships is created, which represents a great wealth for the children.
It has also turned out to be particularly important for the children to be together with the young people. Here, too, the children experience a lot of support and understanding, including care and love. Here the children learn to get to know each other and to integrate. It is noticeable how the small children are integrated by the larger ones, e.g. joint games are designed in such a way that all age groups can participate.

Where people live together, there it "humanizes" of course. Thus, of course, it often happens that one does not "perceive" a child and deals lovingly with his original impulses... but simply overtaxed and annoyed. However, the adults try to question themselves and also talk to the children about it. The ability to love oneself is one of the central themes in dealing with children - is actually the theme of tribal life at all.



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